Saturday, August 20, 2011

Crown prep

There are 77 days until Crown Tourney.

I have begun my new training regimen in ernest. I will not be able, due to circumstances like living in NYC and not owning a car, to practice twice a week as I would like. I have worked out what I consider to be the ultimate SCA training regimen, (next post) but it requires a midweek practice, and I can't get to Nutley every week.

Today I want to talk about two things: tracking workouts and scheduling.

I've started using the imapmyride app to keep track of my workouts and my nutrition (which can always use some help). Up until now I've just been playing with it, but from now on I intend to use it every day to record what I am eating and how I am training. The workouts show up on and on facebook. It is a well designed app that will also track my runs and bike rides via gps (the main reason I got it). It is how I know, for instance, that it is 13.9 miles from my house to City College, where I teach Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was making that ride once a week (twice for one week) in July. Biking will be nearly all my cardio. I will also be lifiting, mostly kettle bells, doing yoga, and using my indian clubs. Fighting will show up as "miscelaneous martial arts". In this way I hope to keep myself honest as to how much work I am putting in this year.

It is important to make a schedule when you are training. I will be travelling a bit between now and Crown, and I'll hit the field once or twice for the early hunting season, so I won't get to as many fight practices or events as I would like. Currently my plan is as follows:

Fight at Barleycorn

BAT (or another sunday practice) every week but October 9 and October 30 (that's 9 practices). At least one of those should be at Andre's practice in South Jersey and two at Iron Bog.

Nutley on 8/24 (or 31), 9/7 & 21, and 10/12, 19, & 26.

I won't make King's and Queen's Champion at arms. I will try to make at least one more fighting event before Crown.

Crown is on November 5.

So between now and Crown I plan to be in armor 16 times. If I can stretch that to 20 I should be in good shape.

My goal in every crown is, of course, to make my lade queen. But my personal goal remains making it to the round of 4. Under the format for this crown that will be really hard, because it will likely take 26 to 31 fights to get there. That's a lot of fights for a crown tourney. So my wind better be up.

Next post I will talk abut the ultimate SCA Training Regimen TM.

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